Monday, February 15, 2016

Trivial Trivia: Tomba! and Tomba! 2

Tomba! is one of my fondest gaming memories from childhood. It was a quirky action-adventure platformer with RPG elements, set in a 2.5D world. It was such a unique gaming experience that I've yet to experience anything like it outside of it's own franchise (I know... two games hardly counts as a franchise). 

It's common for game developers to cut content due to time, size or budget constraints. When I discovered that Tomba met this same fate, I became obsessed with sniffing out this missing content. Little did I know of the treasures Whoopee Camp left behind, waiting to be discovered...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Data Mine: Video Games in 2016

While reading the January 2016 issue of GameInformer, I stumbled on its Top 50 Games of 2015. As I skimmed the list, I found I hadn't played many games released in 2015... which made me realize I've become one of those old people who "don't have time for video games anymore".

Once I shook that ugly realization, it was evident that most games listed were sequels, collections, remakes, reboots, re-releases, etc. Which wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't an increasing trend of re-purposed content over the past few years. With great concern for the future state of video games, most of which I probably won't play, I put on my miner's hat to dive head first into the data of Wikipedia's video games releases in 2016. 

Please excuse the click bait but the results may shock you!